Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fun Quiz Night Tuesday July 27th, 2010!!!

The next Fun Quiz Night @ Green Parrot 2 (East Bay Street)
will take place on Tuesday July 27th, 2010.
3 Rounds of 20 questions on anything and everything!!!

Quiz Begins @7:30pm, team registration @7pm
Team maximum: 6 people, entrance fee: $10 per person

ALL proceeds will go to the Bahamas Humane Society
Spay and Neuter program and tick prevention!
Also, partial proceeds form the food and beverages will be donated, so enjoy some dinner and fresh daiquiris from the bar!
Please email me to reserve your table
Please bring any extra collars, leashes and bowls that you may have to help make the lives of the shelter animals a little brighter!